1. Seek adequate collaboration between the family and the Academy,  in  order to achieve greater effectiveness in the training task. To this end: 

Asistirán a las entrevistas y reuniones a las que sean convocados por el Equipo Técnico o la Dirección de la Academia para tratar asuntos relacionados con la formación de sus hijos.

Adoptarán las medidas necesarias para que sus hijos cumplan con el compromiso adquirido de formación y asistan regularmente a las clases.

Estimularán a sus hijos para que lleven a cabo las diversas actividades que se les encomienden y propiciarán las circunstancias que, fuera de la Academia, puedan hacer más efectiva la acción formativa de la misma.

Animarán, exigirán y velarán por el esfuerzo y el trabajo académico y deportivo de sus hijos.

Informarán a la Dirección de aquellos aspectos de la personalidad y circunstancias de sus hijos que sean relevantes para su formación e integración en el entorno de la Academia.

Apoyarán las decisiones de la Dirección del Centro en el marco de sus respectivas competencias.

2. Aspectos fundamentales de la Metodología


not only in attendance, but in any aspect related to the training program: reports, diaries, organization, etc.

Positive expression

both at a vocabulary and body language level.

Sports humility

as a basis of respect both personally and professionally in the daily performance of their training.

Regarding the players, students of the Global Agent Tennis Academy


Students have the right to:

  1. Train and develop in a friendly and stimulating environment, designed to maximize their learning.
  2. fair treatment in all matters, according to the base of Sports Ethics.
  3. Receive training and education relevant to the program for which you are enrolled.

Students have an obligation to:

  1. Respect all the members of the Academy and other people who are related to the Center in the performance of activities and services.
  2. Punctually attend both training and all the events scheduled by the Academy.
  3. Avoid using expressions, gestures and vocabulary that may be offensive.
  4. Maintain the most elementary norms of humanity in the forms and attitudes that arise within the development of the life of the center, respecting the privacy of others and the educational principles of the Global Agent Tennis Academy.
  5. The students must be responsible for their own things and respect those of others.
  6. Make responsible use of the facilities, furniture and materials of the Academy.
  7. Keep all the facilities of the Academy clean. Maintain order in the arrangement and use of work material used on the court and other facilities.